Friday 1 August 2014

8 Weeks to 10k Challenge – WordPress Plugins, Article and Video Marketing

Follow our weekly summary of Josh Cope’s myMLMFormula 8 Weeks to 10k Challenge training sessions to learn the techniques that leverage the raw power of the Internet in an active and effective manner that is growing our prospects list for our home based business.

Week 4: Session 10: WordPress Plugins – How to Set Up Google Analytics and All In One SEO Pack on Your WordPress Blog  

This was a fairly simple lesson where we learned about two specific WordPress Plugins: Google Analyticator (yes, I spelled it correctly !) and All in one SEO Pack.  

Google Analyticator
Google Analytics is a tool that shows the interactions between your blog and the visitors of your blog. It shows general  information like the number of visitors, the average number of pages each visitor views, the percentage of new visitors, and the average duration of each visit. Google Analytics also shows more detailed information like the number of visitors by county and by city, the browser and operating system used, the service provider used,and  the mobile device, operating system, service provider, and screen resolution used. It also shows the browser searches used to find your page and the Network Referrals from social media sites such as FaceBook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, and so on. 

You can use this information determine how effective your blog posts are at capturing interest, how effectively you have built up search engine ratings to make it easy for people to find your blog, and how effective your social media posts are at driving traffic to your blog. This information can guide you make changes to your blog titles, content, and keywords, can guide you to put more effort into creating backlinks to your blog, and help you determine where to focus your social media efforts. As an example the primary keywords that we are focusing on are “grow our prospects list” and secondary keyword for us are “home based business” and “network marketing”. Google Analyticator can help us understand if we are if are keywords are driving traffic to our blog. If they are not we may need include our keywords more often in our posts or consider using different keywords.

The setup was not difficult but if you would like me to write more about the importance of Google Analitics and how to perform the Google Analyticator setup leave a comment requesting more information or fill out the form on our Contact page.

All in One SEO Pack
From the website: All in One SEO Pack is the most powerful tool for managing your SEO. Packed full of features and easy to use, providing every WordPress user with a simple way to improve their search ranking! All in One SEO Pack is the #1 most popular plugin for WordPress with over 14 million downloads to date. This popularity comes from our ability to create the best WordPress SEO plugin available.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a webpage in a search engine‘s “natural” or unpaid (“organic“) search results. This is important since In general, the higher ranked on the search results page, and the more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors a site will receive from the search engines users. 

A variety of methods can increase the prominence of a webpage within the search results. Cross linking between pages of the same website to provide more links to the most important pages may improve its visibility. Writing content that includes frequently searched keyword phrase, so as to be relevant to a wide variety of search queries will tend to increase traffic. Updating content so that search engines crawl back frequently can give additional weight to a site. Adding relevant keywords to a web page’s meta data, including the title tag and meta description, will also tend to improve the relevancy of a site’s search listings, thus increasing traffic. Our keywords are “build your prospects list”, “home based business” and “network marketing” so we try to ensure that our keywords are used frequently in titles, descriptions, SEO Keywords, and of course the body of the post or page.

Again the setup, while a bit more technical than Google Analyticator, was not terribly difficult but if you would like me to write more about the importance of All In One SEO  and how to perform the All In One SEO setup leave a comment requesting more information or fill out the form on our Contact page.

Session 11: How to Use Article Marketing to Leverage Your Content and Deliver Targeted Traffic, Leads, and Sales for Your Business Google has recently changed its rules for ranking pages so that Article Directories carry less weight than they did previously. However, they still do count and it is still important to publish articles to improve the visibility of your website through the creation of backlinks to your website. The simplest way to find Article Directories is to Google “Top 100 Article Directories”. We are using ezinearticles, articlesbase and goarticles. Article Directories are rather fussy about the overuse of keywords. They like to see a 2-3 percent ratio of keywords in the overall article. Live Keyword Analysis and Wordcounter are good tools to use to measure your keyword ratio before submitting content to an Article Directory.

Steps to Take
  1. Determine which Article Directories to utilize and set up accounts with at least 3
  2. Publish your blog content to the Article Directories at a slow but steady pace and make sure you have a good keyword ratio by including your keywords like “build your prospects list”, “home based business” and “network marketing”
  3. Create a good “Resource Box” which is a self-serving attempt to sell products and services. A good resource box will:
    • contain your name and biography
    • contain up to 2 links (one to your blog and the other to a free gift)
    • be written in the 3rd person
    • include your keywords like “build your prospects list”, “home based business” and “network marketing”
    • contain a strong call to action
Session 12: How To Use Video Marketing to Generate Massive Exposure for Your Business Even if You Never Step in Front of a Camera  Video is one of the most powerful tools and least expensive weapons for getting attention and driving traffic available to the network market industry. Google purchases YouTube for over 1 billion dollars and has turned a popular site into a juggernaut. Watching YouTube is now more popular than watching television, YouTube videos are now listed in Google’s natural search ranks, YouTube makes stars out of ordinary people and, trust me on this, video IS the future.

People learn better through visual messages. Not just through words but through color, motion and sound. With video a presentation becomes more than just words: it becomes a name, a voice, a face, a person which creates powerful relationships with prospects on autopilot.

Steps to Take
  1. Get a video camera and video editing software
  2. Determine your content and target audience. It is important to note that video is ranked on title, description and backlinks, not on content. The recommendation is to very targeted with title and description to begin but it is simple to modify the title and description as required to draw a wider audience if desired.
  3. Get your message out right away. People must feel that you are of a equal or greater status than themselves. This is simple for 0 to $10k Challenge students because we are learning more than 99% of network marketers.
  4. Create a clear call to action. Don’t assume people will take action and visit your blog. Sell your prospect on what is in it for them, what will they get, and why it is important to them.
  5. Submitting your video. The top 3 video site are YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook Video. Make sure the title is benefits driven on the keywords you are targeting. Make sure the description contains the link to your blog and a summary using your keywords, and sell your prospects on visiting your blog with a strong call to action.
 Camera Shy? Create videos without a camera.
Steps to Take
  1. Create an outline of your video content
  2. Create a slide presentation using Powerpoint or similar tool
  3. Download screen capture software (Livestream, Jing, Screen Hunter, CamStudio are examples)
  4. Record your presentation as you “narrate” your slides

Learn how easy it really is to recruit proven producers into your network marketing business by obtaining our free Automatic Recruiting Secrets PDF and 7 free network marketing success videos

Josh Cope’s myMLMFormula 8 Weeks to 10k Challenge training provides the most hard hitting, effective network marketing strategies around so that anyone can quickly and easily plug them into their home business to build their prospects list and put more cash in their bank account.

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